Bankruptcy Stops Payday Loans
Payday loans can drain away your hard earned money and leave you at the mercy of the payday lenders. Payday loans can make you financially worse off than you were before ever getting a payday loan. If you have fallen victim to payday loans or are being held financial hostage by the interest charged on payday loans, contact the Texas Bankruptcy Attorneys at The Law Offices of R.J.Atkinson. We can answer your questions about Bankruptcy & Payday Loans, and we may be able to help you to get rid of payday loans and stop the payday loan cycle.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Can Eliminate Payday Loans…
Despite what the payday loan company may have told you, Bankruptcy eliminates payday loans. How do the Texas Bankruptcy Lawyers at R.J.Atkinson know that Bankruptcy eliminates payday loans? It’s because we have helped thousands of people in Texas eliminate millions of dollars of debt. Many of our clients were trapped in the payday loan hell, living paycheck to paycheck only to pay their check to a payday loan company instead of meeting their necessary living expenses. Most every one of our clients with payday loans have gotten them discharged in bankruptcy.
Payday loan companies will tell you all types of things to scare you into paying them when you can’t. They may “offer to help” by enticing you into writing them a check for a higher amount to get you through. Think about it first. Don’t be afraid of payday lenders. Indentured servitude is illegal in America let alone the Great State of Texas. Don’t waste your life paying 3, 4, 5, or even 10 times what you originally borrowed from a payday lender. Being held hostage by high interest payday loans is just not right.
Sometimes people have emergencies and need money quickly, which in some cases (when there is absolutely no other choice available) a payday loan may be an option to get you through an emergency or temporary financial problem. But when a payday loan grows and grows because the payday lender leads you into writing a check for a higher amount or solicits to “help you” further by allowing you to simply pay the interest on the loan, you should stop, and consider all of your options, including bankruptcy. If you don’t, you may get backed into a corner when it comes time to pay up. A temporary payday loan for $100.00 could end up costing you $500.00 or even $1000.00 or more depending on what choices you make. Don’t choose to remain in the payday loan cycle until you or your family has nothing left. Worse yet, don’t let payday loan company make a criminal out of you. Oftentimes, payday loan lenders will threaten to deposit your postdated check in order to scare you if you can’t come up with their high interest payment when you “promised” you would. They may attempt to make a criminal out of you by threatening to contact the district attorney since they know your check won’t be good.
Being held a financial hostage by a payday loan isn’t the path to a fresh financial start.
Moreover the payday loan cycle does not lead to financial freedom. So the next time you go to throw another payment into the payday loan hole, consider contacting the Texas Bankruptcy Attorneys at The Law Offices Of R.J.Atkinson for a free bankruptcy evaluation to see how you can eliminate payday loans once and for all. Whether you live in Austin, San Antonio, Houston, or Dallas, if the Bankruptcy Means Test determines you’re eligible, our Texas Bankruptcy Lawyers can help you file for bankruptcy and get rid of your payday loans. Don’t let payday loans and payday lenders waste your life and money working for their obscene interest rates.
Bankruptcy Attorney R.J.Atkinson can answer your questions about Bankruptcy and Payday Loans
Call the Texas Bankruptcy Law Firm to Stop the Payday Loan Cycle 800-436-9056