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Texas Bankruptcy - IRS Taxes and Bankruptcy

Will Filing Bankruptcy get rid of your Income Taxes, I.R.S. Tax Debt, and Tax Liability?

If you owe the IRS for personal income taxes or any other tax liability, contact the Texas Bankruptcy Attorneys at The Law Offices of R.J.Atkinson for a free bankruptcy evaluation and a free bankruptcy means test to help you determine how to deal with your Taxes in bankruptcy. Whether you are eligible to file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and can completely eliminate your personal income tax liability, or you decide to file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to repay your taxes over 3 to 5 years, filing for bankruptcy can be an option to deal with IRS Tax liability.

Owing IRS Taxes can be emotionally stressful and financially draining. Dealing with the Internal Revenue Service can also be a challenge, especially when there are so many IRS Tax rules and regulations to consider. In addition to IRS tax problems, if you are facing other financial problems such as a foreclosure, a lawsuit, or mounting credit card bills, that can motivate you to consider filing bankruptcy. Filing bankruptcy can immediately stop the IRS and most other creditors from collection actions. Depending on your situation, filing bankruptcy may allow you to completely get rid of your tax debt, or reorganize it on your terms with Bankruptcy Court approval. In many cases, bankruptcy can be the best option to get rid of certain IRS tax debt or to force the IRS to accept a repayment plan on terms you can afford as opposed to terms the IRS may impose on you.

It is a common misconception that debts for IRS taxes cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. There are some very qualified tax professionals which adhere to this misconception that debts are non-dischargeable in bankruptcy. Their misconception may be due to the fairly complicated legal restrictions, timelines, and definitions that limit the taxes which qualify for discharge. It’s also possible that the latest changes to the Bankruptcy Code which were publicized in the media as the end of bankruptcy, may have further confused their already misguided belief. Whatever they may believe, taxes can be addressed and even discharged in bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy and Taxes can be a complicated subject. Whether or not taxes can be discharged in bankruptcy is something to be determined on a case by case basis. Many books have been written on taxes and their dischargeability in bankruptcy, so you can imagine that subject is too complicated to thoroughly explain without knowing the specifics of a particular case. That being said, there are three general conditions which may allow for income taxes to be dischargeable in bankruptcy.

  1. Your taxes must have been filed two years before you actually file for bankruptcy.
  2. The taxes you owe must be three years old before you file a bankruptcy petition. In other words, the taxes must have become due at least three years before you file, which is April 15th of the year following the tax year for most people.
  3. 240 days must have passed from the time the taxes were assessed. That means 240 days from the time the IRS determined that you owed money.

Although you might think the above conditions may seem easy to figure out or that you may meet the conditions with no problem, the tax liability may still be considered non-dischargeable in situations where the IRS can show you tried to evade the taxes, filed a fraudulent return, or did anything else that could be construed as fraud or tax evasion.

Using bankruptcy as a tool to eliminate, reduce, or repay taxes can be a good option when other tax solutions aren’t feasible. If your taxes cannot be discharged in bankruptcy, filing bankruptcy can force the IRS to accept repayment plan on your terms. If you dispute the amount due or there is a disagreement about liability or penalties, the Bankruptcy Court can be an excellent forum to address tax disputes. You may even be able to completely eliminate your tax liability if you meet the conditions to do so.

If you owe the IRS for personal income taxes or any other tax liability, contact the Texas Bankruptcy Lawyers at The Law Offices of R.J.Atkinson. We offer a free initial evaluation of your tax case, and can help you determine how to deal with your IRS debt in bankruptcy. If bankruptcy is not an option to address your tax liability, we may be able to help you address your tax problems with tax resolution services outside of bankruptcy.

With offices in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and Houston, we can help you file for bankruptcy and deal with your tax problems at a free bankruptcy evaluation.

Bankruptcy May Get Rid of Some Personal Income Tax Liability…

Contact Texas Tax and Bankruptcy Attorney R.J.Atkinson: 800-436-9056

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RJA Bankruptcy Attorney offer Affordable Bankruptcy, Debt Relief and Debt Consolidation. Texas Bankruptcy Lawyer offer Low Cost Bankruptcy Attorney Fees in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Plano, San Antonio, & Houston *Principal Office.

Bankruptcy Lawyer / Attorney RJ Atkinson provides Chapter 7, 11, 12, 13, Bankruptcy, Debt Relief & Discount Legal Services
Filing Bankruptcy can sometimes be the fastest way to get out of debt and may be the most affordable way to get a fresh financial start. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can quickly wipe out your debts, increase your credit score, stop wage garnishments, get rid of credit card debt, eliminate medical bills, stop payday loans, stop bill collectors, erase negative credit reporting, and reestablish new credit after bankruptcy. RJ Atkinson – Bankruptcy Lawyer have payment plans to make filing Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy affordable which include low cost flat fees for Chapter 7 that may be considered the cheapest bankruptcy attorney fees depending on the costs other bankruptcy lawyer charge. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy can save your home from foreclosure, save your car from repossession, lower monthly payments, reduce interest rates, get rid of late fees, reduce credit card interest, payoff high credit card debt, raise your credit score, stop creditor harassment, get rid of debt, reduce debt, eliminate creditor calls at work, stop collection calls, start over financially, discharge debts and/or be debt free in 3 to 5 years. IRS tax problems, tax levies, wage garnishments, back taxes, payroll taxes, income taxes can often be handled in Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Divorce/Bankruptcy – past due child support arrears, alimony, spousal support, and divorce debt can often be handled in chapter 13 bankruptcy. The Law Offices of RJ Atkinson handles debt consolidation, loan modifications, credit card debt settlement, debt negotiation, lawsuit defense, IRS problems, credit card lawsuits, TROs temporary restraining orders to foreclosure, forbearance agreements to foreclosure, FDCPA Fair Debt Collection Practices Act lawsuits, FCRA Fair Credit Reporting Act lawsuits, credit report disputes, debt collection lawsuits, adversary complaints in bankruptcy, bankruptcies, foreclosure workouts, mortgage short sales, real estate property tax disputes, civil litigation, commercial litigation, tax lawsuits, small business bankruptcy, corporate bankruptcy, business creditor representation, and most every kind of debt related issue or financially based legal problem on a case by case basis.
Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §528, “We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.”
R.J.Atkinson Texas Bankruptcy Lawyer - Principal Office: 8000 I.H. 10 West, Suite 600, San Antonio, TX 78230-3868. Phone: 800-436-9056